Friday, March 25, 2011

My 1976 Jeep Truck

 Well, here it is, the first truck I ever owned. I bought this truck for $600 from a guy in Forest City, North Carolina. As you can see it wasn't much, but I liked it, it ran (for the most part), and I knew as much about fixing cars as that tree did which stands beside the truck.

 It's too bad that I didn't get a lot of pictures of the original truck when I bought it. I should have taken a picture of the rusty bed. I think you can imagine what the rust-covered bed looked like...rust....dirt....holes. One guy told me I had a hole big enough to throw a can through--probably not a cat, but maybe a guinea pig or a small squirrel.

Here's the place where mice kept
getting in my truck!

Here is the "Dark Side" of my truck.

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