Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Shout Out to Jake and Jackie

I took my truck to Jake's house sometime in October and was driving an hour to his house to work on Saturday. I would generally try to get to his house in the morning around 8 or 8:30, which made for a lot of early Saturdays. I would work until it got dark or usually until about 5 or 6, and I'd come back home. Often times Jake would fix me lunch or even breakfast if I hadn't eaten already. He liked to point out to me that I owed him about $10,000 in rental fees with my truck, labor for the work he put into it, and unlimited access to his tools. This fee also included food and lodging if I decided to spend the night. Though we both knew he would never charge me $10,000, in all seriousness, I really do owe Jake and Jackie a lot for their help and hospitality.

Without Jake, we both knew that my truck would probably have made it's way to either another owner who had a little more knowledge, money and time. It may have even ended up in a junkyard or at worse the crusher. Anyway, I just wanted to take a second to thank two special friends of mine. Their both a little nutty and eccentric (they'll be the first to admit that). Sometimes they can be vulgar (many call that character). They can both kick my butt in in taking apart or putting together a vehicle....actually I'm pretty sure either one of them could just plain kick my butt. They're both some of the quickest witted people I know, especially when they rag my chain. And they sure hate mushy crap like I'm writing about them. But everybody needs to be bragged on once in a while, especially these two.

The most important thing about Jake and Jackie is that they are honest, down to earth, good people who will meet you where you're at when you need them, lend you a hand, and expect nothing in return. But if you do owe them something, you better pay, or Jake will find you and collect what you owe, either in money or flesh. Thanks guys!

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