Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Quest Continues......

In about 2005, after the 50-dollar-car was wrongly snatched from us, my brother and I continued our search for vehicles. The next car we bought was a 1982 Subaru Wagon, aptly named "the '82 Rue." It looked something like this picture except a tan color, and a little more rust. We decided to up the stakes and bought this car for $160.
Our draw to this car was that it had 4-wheel drive. We realized we had bought a real winner when we were having to force the stick into gears. Each gear shift involved a loud grinding noise, a really hard tug or push on the shifter, followed by loud cheers after successfully changing gears. Later we realized the clutch cable was hanging limply and useless, how quaint.

The car did have it's problems, but those were easily fixed. For instance, again, the car had no title or worries, we found a Florida tag for sale at the flea market for $2....easy fix.

Also, somehow we were able to get liability insurance on the car for about $10 a month or something crazy. Oh, it was also interesting that the car had no front brakes, so if you slammed on breaks, the car would fish-tail on the road. Again, no worries, our motto in a possible rear-end collision was "Go for the ditch!" Of course this problem could have been easily fixed had we a little more knowledge on fixing cars—that  was later to come. 

 Though we had fun in the '82 Rue, we eventually grew tired of the car's faults and issues with safety. Probably the biggest thing that convinced us to sell it was when my brother got pulled over in it for having a falsified tag. Hmmm, was that a bad thing? We eventually sold the car for $220 and came out ahead. 

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