Monday, April 11, 2011

Great Friends Named Jake and Jackie

What should I do?
Unfortunately at this point of my Jeep truck history, I had few pictures. I didn't actually think to take pictures of the truck until I actually started fixing it. I began looking for a Jeep J10 when the Scout was broken down in my parent's driveway. I wanted a vehicle that could actually be used. Ironically, I found a vehicle that was almost as broke down as the Scout, but I was too ignorant to realize that.

Not long after I got the Jeep truck, I decided I wanted a bed for it. I searched endlessly for parts for my truck. I asked every Junkyard in town if they had parts, no go. I looked on the internet and the iwanna paper. I found several places that had full-size Jeep truck junkyards. Unfortunately they were in Missouri, Montana, Illinois, etc... Also, I drove my truck up to help a friend do some work. The clutch went out soon afterwards, and my truck sat for about 6 months with me starting it up about once a week, but not driving it. Needless to say, it went downhill fast. Also, mice abused the interior of my truck while it sat.

I sold the Scout and bought a new clutch for my truck. However, it still wasn't running great. I tried replacing the carburetor because I thought it was making the truck run weird. It seemed to fix it temporarily. During this time I wanted a bed for the truck. I was very fortunate to have a student at school who also had a Jeep J10. He told me about this guy not too far away who owned about 70 Jeeps in a junkyard. I'm of course thinking he means the cj's and what not. I called the guy up (Jake), and he said he had a bed and to bring my Jeep truck up for him to look at. My friend and I drove up to Jake and Jackie's house to check out their junkyard. I had never driven my truck that far, and soon realized it was a good thing I'd never tried to drive it that far. Nonetheless, that kid at school wasn't kidding. Jake had about 85 fullsize Jeeps, not the popular cj's, but the real deal like I had. I picked out a bed and we made a deal. Jake even looked at my Jeep, adjust a few things and sent me on my way.
Rows 1 and 2 of Jake's Junkyard
Rows 2 and 3 of Jake's Junkyard

Thanks Jake and Jackie!
But on the way back home my truck broke down. Luckily we were able to make it to the Ingles parking lot in Burnsville, North Carolina. So I'm thinking, "Um my truck is dead and I don't know how I'm am getting home or what to do with my truck." The only thing I could think of was to call Jake. I had barely met the guy, but I called him and he came to the rescue, immediately! As if that wasn't enough, he took us home too.

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